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I worked as lead designer to build the CRM experience with the product team. The challenge was to make a tool to promote the tracking of customers. These images show my design process for prototyping. Through the wireframes, we see the user’s path through the system.


The sales team used multiple systems to track orders, look up inventory, and close a sale. This fragmented experience isn’t user-friendly or intuitive. Shadowing daily activities, we discovered the users’ pain points. At a minimum, we set out to consolidate these systems into one app and add customer tracking. The following image shows our predictive path.

Iterative Design

Our UX team gathered user-testing data during the research and prototyping phase which led to the design and implementation of a new feature. Making a quoting feature an integral part of the CRM encourages user engagement and maximizes the potential for higher conversion. This iterative feature could not have been predicted from initial requirements.


It would be good to send customer quotes in an email… set up reminder dates add and share notes. — Sales Team Member


The original business goal was to track customers which relied on sales team input of customer codes. Through iteration, sales team collaboration, and prototyping new processes, we synthesized user-generated data into the implementation of a new core feature. This quote feature incentivized sales team adoption of adding tracking codes while using the CRM for making and sending quotes.

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